Category: Serious Talk

PANDEMIC: Happiness :]

The other day my friend told me, she decided to get back with her ex boy friends, after going to a wedding with him. (btw Happy for you:]) But how did that happen, it made me wonder. It made me realize, happiness comes with relativity. So what the hell does that mean? Basically it means that the mood of the general atmosphere can change the mood of others.

Simple example imagine going to a party, imagine everyone quiet at the party. How fun would that be? But now imagine rowdy people at the party. Because of those rowdy people, can you see yourself having fun already? Trust me this works even if you are the quietest person, because the happy feeling rubs off each other. And all it takes is a mood change to make something good or bad! (But choose wisely! haha)

Like my friends case. Although she was supposedly in an unhappy relationship before; but after seeing the happiness that the newly weds are bringing, it just changed the feeling! The relationship just makes sense and things just start to feel right again.

I view happiness as a form of pandemic; it spreads through peoples minds. It’s the feeling you want. You just need to let the happiness flow through you and your relationship. It is highly contagious!

So next time when you are having some rough patches with your girlfriend or boyfriend, why not bring her or him to a wedding or an art gallery; enjoy each other by being happy. Look at how other people enjoy their relationships. Sense their happiness. Let their happiness translate into your own happiness, forget about the unhappy it’s irrelevant. Have fun with each other again. Don’t be bitter that other people are happy in their relationship, because deep down inside you are too!

So seriously am I right or am I RIGHT? What do you think? Do you think you can share happiness? Do you think you can fix your relationship by feeling other people’s happiness?

Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx

“Thank you all my subscribers!” Ever since I posted the last blog about the straightest gay kiss, I feel like I have increased in viewership! My wolf pack has grown by one! (Hang over speech! haha) Thank you for all your support! We are now 6 wolfs strong! To show appreciation towards all the reader I am going to start posting more and more stories! But for today I am going to post a slight more sophisticated topic; on the view of relationship.

It all started with a bowl of cereal and some expired milk. One time my friend was eating a bowl of cereal and it had a bizarre taste. The more he ate the funnier it tasted, but it was not until a few spoons after he realizes the milk had expired for over a month. As I was laughing at his funny expressions, it also reminded me the expression I make when they make fun of my past relationship. But why and you may ask?

STOP HERE & THINK FOR A SECOND: What happened at the end of your past relationships? How did it end? Making a funny expression yet? (Stop lying I can see your funny expressions!!!)

The ugly sad truth is relationships do have expiration dates as well. As the relationship gets closer to the expiration date the sweet taste converts into a slight bitter taste. And when the relationship gets pass the expiration date the taste will turn bitter and sour.  Yes, that is the truth! It is a miserable thought but a realistic matter. Every relationship is different so every expiration date is different. Some expiration dates gets extended and some don’t. But always remember to enjoy it while it’s still fresh and unexpired.  Add preservatives extend the expiration date. Get the most out of it, because once the expiration date is up all the feeling changes and it will no longer be the same. Never make promises you can’t keep. Because once the relationship expires those promises expires and will never again be exchanged. You do NOT want to regret anything once the expiration date is up.

Importantly take all your past relationships as a learning experience; learn from it, forget the unhappy. Once you remembered how enjoyable the relationship was during the unexpired time, you would be able to turn the bitterness into a bitter sweet; like dark chocolate. And you will start making that funny expression as well!